Procuring your P25 System


By | November 19, 2013

Procuring your P25 system is an important process, and it might be time for you to review yours to ensure you receive maximum results. Where can you turn for advice on the procurement process? What are the advantages of working with a...Read more


By | January 24, 2014

Procuring – Overview (Click to open image in a new window)...Read more

Defining the Procurement Process

By | January 24, 2014

What is the best way to procure your new system? P25 system buyers face several choices. Let’s look at some of these, to explain the potential impact of your decisions. Open competitive process Another question is whether to use an open...Read more


By | January 24, 2014

Equally important, although in a different decision making category is the form of purchase you choose; capital purchase, lease, or long-term managed services contract? While none of these approaches is entirely new, vendors are offering additional...Read more

Finalizing Technical and Project Specifications

By | January 24, 2014

RFP / RFQ Consultant Technical Logistics Project Customer Commercial Legal Producing a successful RFP/RFB requires a high level of expertise and experience in technical, logistical, commercial and legal areas. Again, the...Read more

Prepare your RFP

By | January 24, 2014

The most commonly-selected procurement process in Public Safety communications system purchases is the Request for Proposal (RFP). There are no commonly recognized, unbiased, detailed templates in circulation, but the following pages show a sample...Read more

Distributing your RFP

By | January 24, 2014

Most government entities rely on their own websites for distribution of procurement documents. There are several on-line service providers that scan local government websites daily for new opportunities then notify their subscribers. Most qualified...Read more

Receiving Proposals

By | January 24, 2014

RFPs provide vendors with some degree of freedom in proposing solutions. Consequently, your evaluation process must be more elaborate than for a RFB/RFQ (Request For Bid/Quote): a simple determination of compliance/eligibility followed by choosing...Read more

Pre-proposal engagement

By | January 24, 2014

It is recommended to hold mandatory pre-proposal conference and site visits for the prospective suppliers within two or three weeks after issuing the RFP. The pre-proposal conference is your opportunity to reinforce the most important messages in...Read more

Receiving and Processing Vendor Responses

By | January 24, 2014

Your RFP should describe in strict terms the format in which the proposal is to be provided, the ways it can be delivered and the deadline. Be very strict about compliance to these formal requirements. Allowing a vendor to use a different format or...Read more