
This Best Practice Guide for specifying P25 systems uses a simplified chronological approach. In reality, most of these processes are iterative and impact each other, sometimes heavily. For example, often the initial requirements are significantly scaled down after all costs are estimated and you are confronted with budgetary restrictions. We approach system architecture and functionality as two separate subjects simply to organize the contents, while in reality, they are co-dependent.

The desired system functionality will impact on its architecture and the architecture will dictate availability – or at least feasibility – of some functions.

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Specifying your P25 System: Articles

3 responses to “Introduction”

  1. […] Specifying, Procuring, and Implementing your P25 system is a large and daunting task. Making the correct first steps can make all the difference, and so that is why we decided to make our first P25 guide about exactly that. You can learn for yourself what this “First Steps” guide focuses on by watching the video below: […]

  2. […] this reason, we created the new P25 Best Practice guide, Specifying your P25 system. This guide will help you answer questions like the […]

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